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Our latest Men on Fire Day retreat was Saturday, November 18th, 2023.
Theme for the Day was: “Go and make disciples of all nations.”
Where: Jose Rodriguez @ Las Nubes
the guest speakers and the day activities were a smashing success. A huge "thankyou" to our Spiritual Director, Father Greg Labus, and to all who participated.
Miracles really do happen every day. You just have to be open to them.
Jesus is always with us. He calls us to have a personal and intimate relationship with Him.
Our day retreat this year was on November 18, 2023
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We will be uploading our amazing talks to this page soon.
Powerful Lyrics
Saint Paul Catholic Church, Mission, TX
Men as Guardians of Faith
Basilica of San Juan del Valle
"Being present in the present"
Gus Lloyd on the Catholic Channel
Gus was one of our guest speakers for our day retreat; 11/19/22.
He is the host of "Seize the Day", the morning radio show on the Catholic channel. XM Radio channel 129 and the author of numerous books.
We are a group of humble men trying our best to spread the good news of the Gospel.
"I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled." Luke 12:49
God created us in Their image for relationship and love. Be who God created you to be!
We are a fledgling but growing ministry in Deep South Texas intent on getting Catholic men excited about their faith and the graces given to us by our Awesome God.
Bishop Flores has attended our last 4 retreats. We are blessed to have the backing from our home Diocese.
Sign up to hear from us about upcoming events and guest speakers.
We love hearing from you. Send us your phone and email address and we will add you to our growing community of Catholic men in love with Christ.
110 East Savannah; Suite C 203; McAllen, TX 78503
Imagine that this is the last party of your life.
You already have the table for the meal, but you are still missing the chairs.
I know a Person who can lend them to you, but you need to know how many you will need.
Well, I have been giving this some thought, and I already know how many I need to ask for:
My Lord,
I will be needing two chairs. There are two people in this world that have loved me since I was born. They took care of me, educated me, and more or less, they gave me everything that they had without ever expecting anything back in return. I will always be grateful to them.
My parents.
I need some more chairs My Lord,
Because without any choice I was forced to share my life with incredible people. I spent considerable time arguing and fighting all the time with them, they take my things, they put on my clothes without asking permission, in addition to hundreds of other issues; but always when I need them, they are there for me not matter what happens. They would each take a bullet for me as I would for them. Should I have the power to be born again, I would ask that I have the ability to have them all over as I do now. They are my life team.
My brothers.
More chairs please,
I need to seat those men and women that I chose to walk through this life with me. These were not by force but by my choices. They have hung with me for years. We have cried, and hugged with our souls, in difficult times. We have laughed and partied together in good times.
We have learned and matured together. Time and distance have never divided us from each other.
My true friends.
I need another chair,
I fell in love with a certain girl that I did not even really know yet, my mom used to tell me. We decided to become partners in this life journey.
What a great day it was when we took each other by the hand and started down this beautiful journey.
I’m a better person each day that we are together.
No, not perfect by any means, but she promised me that we would be happy looking back on our life together after the long journey. This has been so very true to this moment.
My wife.
I need more chairs please Lord,
I need to seat those people that have changed my life forever and I no longer sleep the same.
I never had time for myself anymore after they came into my life. It was like I was a taxi at times and felt like I never got a hot meal. I am so infinitely grateful for those crazy times when they were little. They taught me about the greatest love that exists in this world. They are the engine of my life now and forever.
My children.
I’m so sorry Lord, But I need more chairs. These are for the little ones, that without me having to do anything, have been presented to me like gifts from heaven. I did not have to go through any hardship whatsoever. They have come to me as an inheritance when I least expected it. They fill my home with love and bring immeasurable love into my life. When I hug them or they fall asleep on me they look with innocent, loving eyes towards me with pure love. They warm my heart like fresh bread in the oven.
My grandchildren
Please Lord, Do not be irritated with me.
I need one more chair. It is for someone very special, and the most important. This one is for you my Lord.
Before anything else, I would like to ask for your forgiveness, for always thinking of you last. Even so, you have always accompanied me. You have laughed and cried with me. You have never abandoned me. You have put up with my excesses in work, with stress, with sleepless nights, and yet you always get up with me every day like no one else could in this world just to be with me. I would like you to know that I LOVE you more than anything or anyone in this world, because without you, there is nothing. This last chair at the head of my table is for you, My Lord My God My Heavenly Father
You are EVERYTHING to me!! Now we are all set to sit and dine together. My table is ready for the party. Thank you Father for putting each and every one of these in my life. Thankfully, they have helped me become what I am at this moment in my life. All of this thanks to your Holy Graces and Blessings, Yesterday, Today, and Always.
Thank you, My God.
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